How To Lose Weight Fast And EasyMany of us have a few extra pounds to shed and some of us maybe need to lose 20,30, 50 pounds or more. It can be done! We want to lose a few pounds, but are there really ways to lose weight fast and easy? It depends on how you define your weight loss goals.
Toss the diet idea right out the window; diets don't work! Here are a few practical steps you can take to realistically shed those winter pounds and not starve. This is do-able!
Things You'll Need:
- an open mind
- a little bit of work
- a journal
- a partner or buddy
Step 1
First, do not obsessed about your weight. There is no sense weighing yourself everyday. Accept yourself for all the good qualities you have. Love yourself for who you are, not what body size you are. Know that you will feel a lot better physically when you lose some weight but do not waste your life obsessing about it.
Step 2
Get a food journal. If you like to journal. If you do not like to journal, skip this step. If you enjoy journaling, record your food daily and celebrate the times you do well and how good you feel when you lose a pound or two.
Step 3
Get a friend to be accountable to. Even if they aren't losing weight with you. Tell them your weight right at this moment (be honest!), tell them your goal weight for 3 months from now, 6 months from now, 8 months from now, and 1 year from now. Then, each week, weigh yourself and account to them your progress.
Step 4
Reduce your portion size. This is so simple and probably the fastest way to drop those pounds FAST. Eat everything you would normally eat, just eat 1/3 less. You will not be any more hungry and you will lose weight fast!
Step 5
Finally, try not to eat anything after 6:00pm. Drink lots of water but do not eat anymore after 6pm.
Step 6
Stay tuned (meaning, look for more of my articles to come) on weight loss!
*speaking from experience- I lost 60 pounds in 6 months without any sort of "fad diet"
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